
Are You Prepared For An Emergency?

How to Prepare for an Emergency

None of us ever expect to have to evacuate from the safe havens of our homes due to an emergency. However, from time to time, natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, forest fires, or even extended power outages happen. It is very important to always prepare to evacuate, or stay put until it is safe.
Here are some things you should do to be ready:
Have an emergency plan that everyone in your family knows about. The Government of Canada recommends you have a plan to be okay for 72 hours in the event of an emergency. Discuss with your family how you would meet or contact them if they are not together. Also, try to plan a safe meeting place. It may be good to text or use social media in case the lines are jammed. It also may be a good idea to have a family member out of town for everyone to contact. Keep copies of all important documents in a safe place outside of your home. These documents include: birth certificates, passports, marriage certificates, drivers’ licenses, wills, and insurance. You could leave them with someone such as a family member who lives in another town. Have an emergency kit at home with everything you need to go without power and water for at least 72 hours. Here are some things to have in that emergency kit:
  • Food that won’t spoil
  • Water (It’s recommended to have 2 litres per person per day)
  • Battery powered flashlights
  • Radio
  • Extra batteries
  • First aid kit
  • Cash in small bills
  • Candles and matches/lighters
  • Anything else you need such as baby formula, prescriptions, and food for your furry family members
There are lots of resources online to help prepare. Here is an emergency kit checklist to help in your planning! Take some time to read up, and get your family ready today!